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BEW Super Seeder

BEW Super Seeder


Super Seeder Manufacturers in India

BEW best Super Seeder comes with direct seeding, which involves the sowing of seeds directly into the soil to achieve germination and establishment, and also consists of a rotor for managing the paddy residues and a zero-till drill to sow wheat. Flail-type straight blades are mounted on the straw management rotor, which cuts (hits or shears) the standing stubble or loose straw coming in front of the sowing time and cleans each tine twice in one rotation of the rotor for proper placement of seed in the soil. The flails push the residues as much as possible between the seeded rows. This PTO-driven super seeder machine can be operated with a 50-hp tractor and can produce over 0.34-0.04 ha/hr.

Why BEW India For Supper Seeder?

We at BEW India centre on giving you the best hardware to meet your requirements. We are a super seeder manufacturer in India. We additionally send out our BEW India Super Seeders for sale around the world. This implies that our administration is not restricted to just India; we even sell our machines and products to foreign nations. In India, we give all kinds of help all around the country, especially in Punjab. If you have any questions concerning our Super Seeder manufacturers in Punjab, you can contact us by mail, which is given underneath.

In reality, you can also approach the system on our forum with your interface difficulties, and we will meet you as soon as circumstances permit. Our position and other contact features are more adapted to your feedback and encouragement, as user opinion is our primary concern, and your analysis will help us grow and hit even extreme heights. We provide the sale of the best super seeder in Punjab.

Why, Super Seeder?

A seed drill tends to be a machine used during farming that propagates seeds for plants by inserting them in the soil and digging them to a certain degree. This ensures that the seeds are distributed equally. The same Super Seeder machine drills the seed only at the seed’s right concentration, ensuring that the seeds are largely covered by dirt. KS Super Seeder comprises a rotor for dealing with the paddy buildups and a zero-till drill to plant wheat. Even super seeder price is budget-friendly at Bew India in India.

Thrash-type straight edges are mounted on the straw administration rotor, which cuts (hits/shear) the standing stubbles/free straw coming before the planting prong and clean every prong twice in one pivot of the rotor for appropriate arrangement of seed in the Soil. The thrashes the deposits as surface much between the elegant lines. This PTO-driven machine can be worked with a 50 hp farm hauler and can more than 03-.04 ha/hr. This is the best tractor for super seeder machines as well.

know more about Super Seeder Click Here.

For booking click here. More specifications are down below:

Super Seeder Specifications

Overall Length(mm)


Overall Width(mm)


Overall Height(mm)




Tractor Power Required(HP)

45 And Above

Maximum PTO power(KW)


NO. of Tynes

11 Nos

Type of Blades

C/L Types

NO. of Blades


Furrow Openers

Disc Type/Inverted T-tyres

Size Available

11/12/13 Tine

Benefits of Super Seeder

  • The personalized model is produced by the expert team keeping in mind the unique needs of the fields. Enjoy the versatility of the Best Super Seeder and the post-sales customer support from the team.
  • We guarantee that our Super Seederer by our Super Seeder manufacturer in India is made of high-end quality, and there is no compromise in our products’ quality.
  • We are an authentic company and sell goods approved by the government and ensure that it is safely delivered to you, as our Super Seeder price is very reasonable.
  • KS AGROTECH PVT.LTD. also has a passionate team of client care executives who will answer any questions. Our Super Seederer, which comes at a very reasonable rate, makes it affordable to the public.
  • Subsidy & Finance Available*

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